Sunday, January 07, 2007

Pyramid it is...

2006-2007 New year's eve was unexepectedly quite a nice one. While my boyfriend was back in Korea and a lot of my fellow students were travelling around, Elvira, Dani and me decided to have a spanish party of our own. Elvira is a journalism student at Valencia Uni who got a one-year scholarship to study chinese. Dani just graduated in something -hmmmm- and is now teaching spanish in Jinan because he loves chinese eyes... ;) We first went to a nice, little, dirty chinese restaurant were the food was excellent and tasted strangely better with some glasses of red wine that we had brought ourselves. It was around nine at night when we arrived at Dani's flat not far from the dodgy foodcave. The flat's quite okay although the toilet's like a dirty sauna (quote dani himself), it's got everything one needs to have a good life (washing machine, central heating, tv, dvd player incl.) . We prepared some "calimocho" - yeap, typical spanish drink, red wine wih coke (?!) - , the manchego cheese and serrano ham that elvi's parents sent to her -谢谢!gracias!- and of course the grapes... 我的天哪!God, we couldn't forget those and even less after 12 when we nearly suffocated!!! They didn't have the nice little green ones we´re used to, so we had to do with the huge purple ones with extra thick skin! Elvira and Dani just decided to take there time eating them coz it didn´t really matter... I mean, in our minds we still had 7 hours ahead to celebrate the new year... Weird thing it was. Anyways, by the time the calimocho was consumed and a 1000 of sms had gone throughout the world, we once again took off and this time to the one and only Pyramid! If you ask me, it´s like one of the most worn-out places in town where most of the foreigners hang out of the fridays and maybe even the saturday evenings. And I really don´t know why coz the music is crap and always, always the same. The owner is from Iran and the DJ´s african. And it´s mostly a bunch of hungry young men bubbling & rubbing their thingies against whatever little victim they may find. But this time, we just turned out to have fun. It was nice for one time - and such a special one too - for all the leftover foreigners to be gathered together and party. So that's just what we deed. I had planed on going to bed just past midnight, instead I found myself in a Korean Canteen - 土大力 Tudali 투다 리 - having noodles, BBQ and topokki at 6 o'clock in the morning. Lucky we had 3 days off from school and a good address to get a fantastic cheap foot massage on the first day of this year...


Anonymous said...

Yep, it was a really nice night, 真的!!Jejeje. No, en serio, 我很高兴跟你们过那个时候. (I don't know if this is gramatically correct, but sure you understand it)

Anonymous said...

I forgot it: Elvi 艾维拉

Anonymous said...

Hi Thessa!!!! Woooow, tijdje niet gezien zeg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leuk om wat van je te lezen : ) Kan niet geloven dat ik nu in Leiden ben, en jij weer in Jinan... Mmm, na het lezen van jouw verhalen krijg ik toch wel heimwee naar Shandananlu, en... Tudali natuurlijk. Maar goed... : )
Veel plezier nog!
groetjes, renate :-)

Anonymous said...

Hola loca perdía!!!
Me alegro que te vaya muy bien, y enhorabuena por la currada del vídeo!
La verdad es que un poco descuidado si que tienes al personal, aunque sabemos que estás bien. Recuerdos y ya nos vemos por el skype o messenger.